
    Your logo design is the first impression your clients have of your business. Make an impact with a company logo that you are finally proud of.

    So Much More Than Just Logo Design

    Tenth Muse gives you a complete brand package – whether it’s the birth of a new company or the next step for your business. Your brand is more than just an image for your email signature – It’s your company identity! It needs to communicate your company values and impact your target market directly.

    We create the perfect brand design based on these underlying questions: Why are we here? What do we do, and how do we do it? What makes us different? Who are we here for? What do we value the most? and finally, What’s our personality? With these questions, and working with you, we create a brand design that communicates your business values clearly to your future customers.

    How We Design Your Brand Identity

    Branding starts with your intention. This is the experience or feeling that you want your target audience to have when they come into contact with your brand. To understand your intention, Tenth Muse starts with a series of interviews and then a unique process to boil down your intention into a simple, clear message. Like a mantra or a drum beat, this step creates a road map that is used to guide everything to come including your mark design, website design, copywriting, social media messages, SEO campaigns and more. It’s the people that you choose to hire, the way you answer the phone, the dress code you implement and so much more. See our Brand Implementation process to learn about why consistency and cohesiveness is so important to obtain with your brand.

    Just because it looks good on a computer screen doesn’t mean it will look good on the side of a 20-story building.
    Tenth Muse begins your logo/mark design with a minimum of 3 unique logo concepts with font and icon variations. Your logo is first designed in black and white. This keeps the review process focused and allows for your logo to read well under any conditions. Whether large or small, single or multi-color, you will be able to use your logo on any medium.

    Tenth Muse includes up to 3 rounds of concept revision to perfect your final logo. Color palettes are then applied with an additional two rounds of revision available. If we still haven’t nailed your brand design, then we can continue revisions until we have created the perfect logo design for you, talk to us for more details.

    Once we’ve finalized a logo design, you receive your files as PDF, JPG, GIF, and Illustrator files. We include formats to easily create custom graphics, print materials, color schemes for additional design, fonts, and any coordinating pattern and texture elements.

all arrow-circle arrow-left arrow-right arrow calendar close-button down-arrow-chevron facebook-round facebook-round facebook googleplus-round green-arrow-down green-arrow-left hand-circle instagram-round letter linkedin-round linkedin m-icon map-icon muse-symbol phone pinterest-round sms-round twitter-round instagram twitter