A website is an investment and you expect it to pay for itself by generating sales. So, it’s frustrating when the website you paid thousands of dollars for, suddenly breaks, becomes outdated, or can’t be found in search results.

We Warranty Our Work

Tenth Muse website development is backed by a full warranty. If anything causes the site to not perform as it did at the launch date, we will fix it at no additional charge to you.

Tenth Muse designs and develops your custom website based on your brand. Websites are completely unique to each customer because your business is unique. We perform all design and development in-house with your direction and approval.

Websites So Fresh They’d Earn Michelin Stars

We don’t use pre-made themes or out-of-date code. We keep our third-party plugins minimal for a fast-loading site that is secure and will last for years.

Why A Custom Website is The Smartest Choice

Speed Counts

Website load speed hasn’t mattered more than right now. With the majority of users navigating the internet with hand held mobile devices across 3G and 4G networks, user experience depends on how fast websites can load. Google and other search engines recognize this added user experience and have included speed into their algorithms for websites that display in search results. High quality, fast loading websites rank better and therefore make you more visible.

Branded Websites

Brand is king at Tenth Muse. Your identity needs to be specific to your target audience. That’s why we wrap the website around your brand, not the other way around. We do this by customizing the user experience to your specific target audience, integrating your mark and brand elements seamlessly throughout your site, and tailoring the site to illuminate your content in a way that calls to your audience.


Custom website development has no limitations and offers limitless growth potential. Pre-made themes have code limitations that prevent any changes outside of their framework. Too often the quick website you set up in the first year of your business has had so many bandaids and patches applied that it no longer works for your growing business. We create the scalable solutions that will last.


Once you invest in a custom site there’s rarely a need to completely rebuild it, you can adapt the site you have to meet your future needs. 

Choose Tenth Muse

We create custom back-end tools so you can easily update your own content. Every new website gets a custom training video that guides you through your website backend. This saves you from having to pay us anytime you need to add or alter text or images.

Our code is clean and well documented. If you should ever need another developer to work on your site, they will easily be able to read and understand the code based on the notations. We use the most current standards PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. 

For a demonstration of how we code our backend, please contact us and we will show you first hand.


Talk To Us About Your Custom Development Needs

We can catch any project you throw at us. Contact us today.

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