Tenth Muse is excited to have partnered with Tech Ridge! Tech Ridge was in need of a cutting edge brand that speaks volumes to the growth and modern development of St. George and the surrounding communities. Beginning with a sophisticated and strong brand to inspire people to LIVE the EDGE, our Muses have pushed the limit to discover a bold mark and motivating colors with complementing collateral and digital assets to accompany.

Tech Ridge is a unique, multi-purpose environment like nothing else in Southern Utah. Located on the original site of the historic St. George airport, this campus in the sky is a mixed-use community designed to stimulate innovation. Located high on the ridge overlooking the magnificent panoramic views and downtown St. George, this area will have up to 1 million sq ft of opportunity to build on. This vision and innovative approach is what sparked an opportunity for the partnership with Tech Ridge and Tenth Muse. Their purpose to advance economic development, lifestyle, and our community to the next level resonates with the inspiring growth that we wish to scintilla in all entrepreneurs.

Once the brand was solidified and creative content was finalized, Tech Ridge was able to hit the ground running faster than ever before. The vision of urban engineered living space, corporate offices, higher learning, experiential retailers, hospitality, and outdoor gathering spaces make for an empowered lifestyle.

And did we mention the zipline?

It was an honor to work with such an inspiring brand who had a heart to not only speak about helping the community with development and long-term vision but lay the foundation for the future of Southern Utah.

Our website inspired by Tech Ridge and brought to life by Tenth Muse made its debut with an adventurous and inspirational design. It will evolve into a fully interactive experience, allowing users to dive in on maps, details, and floor plans as they build up districts on Tech Ridge. We have included a uniquely integrated CRM and marketing automation platform that includes tracking interest of the website’s visitors.

With the ever changing environment of buildings, retail merchants, vendors, city, county and state engagements, Tenth Muse is excited to ensure that brand of Tech Ridge is flexible, versatile and consistent for many years. Our Muses work alongside Tech Ridge as the development occurs to inspire what finishes to use on buildings, way-finding signage, and all the way down to how streets and buildings are named.

Plenty of fun to be had in the anticipation of how the Ridge will grow and thrive! We love having them at Muse and you should check out all they have to offer here.



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