SHE Sparks Business is a St. George women’s networking group that needed a brand identity designed from scratch. Their goal was to immediately appeal to their target market – women in business and women entrepreneurs.

Their goal is to set themselves up as the best resource for mentors, educational events, and women’s networks. Their unique voice and visuals had to convey energy and femininity, but not frailty or youth.

Our design team was able to create a completely unique logo suite with print assets. We were also able to help SHE Sparks Business set up their inaugural website using a pre-developed theme – until they can invest in a custom website.

all arrow-circle arrow-left arrow-right arrow calendar close-button down-arrow-chevron facebook-round facebook-round facebook googleplus-round green-arrow-down green-arrow-left hand-circle instagram-round letter linkedin-round linkedin m-icon map-icon muse-symbol phone pinterest-round sms-round twitter-round instagram twitter