Return Healthy wanted a new brand to roll out with a new e-commerce website. Return Healthy was created in 2012 by Dr. Werner Voslo. In his clinic, he noticed a need for natural products for his complex chronic illness patients. He set out to reduce their symptom remission and increase the quality of life for people with Lyme disease, mold illness, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Because one of the symptoms of chronic illness is brain-fog, the Return Healthy line of supplements needed a brand design that was clear, friendly, and conveyed hope. Our design team created the logo, color scheme, and labeling designs. They then brought that aesthetic to a completely custom e-commerce site. Built on the WooCommerce framework, our custom website solution combines their shopping cart system, with their blogging platform, as well as an e-learning interface, and a community forum.

Return Healthy also needed some custom health quizzes that would help users identify their symptom severity as well as track their health progress. We created custom forms and logic as well as a Phase Two dashboard system for Return Healthy as well as users to track their quiz results over time.

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