Offering technology that is revolutionary to the insulin delivery industry, Companion Medical® came to Tenth Muse ready to take their InPen® Smart Insulin Delivery device to market. With only a 2 month turn-around time, Tenth Muse was able to deliver the following deliverables on time and within budget:

  • Developed target audience avatars and brand cornerstones
  • Brand and logo development for Companion Medical® and InPen® using our unique process to identify and speak directly to their target audience
  • Initial on-page SEO strategy for both short term and long term visibility results
  • Copywriting and messaging used throughout website, brochures and tradeshow materials
  • Design of tradeshow displays at medical conference
  • Conference management and coordination
  • Brochure design
  • Product packaging design
  • Product photography of the InPen® smart insulin delivery device
  • Video slideshow design
  • Branding, color, and icons for InPen® mobile app
  • Custom website design and development for Companion Medical® that effectively displays the functionality and advantages of the InPen® for both consumers and physicians
  • Hosting and maintenance of the website on Tenth Muse servers

With a successful introduction of InPen, Tenth Muse is now focusing on creating the market splash needed for the product launch. Future campaigns include Social Media, SEO/SEM, website expansion and traditional advertising.



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