B.D. Foley teaches women how to avoid dangerous situations and teaches men how to grow from good to great. His books are filled with intelligent, humorous, and captivating stories and advice for people of all ages! Coming from a unique background in CIA, B.D. Foley strives to create content that will help men and women recognize and protect themselves from predatory behavior.

B.D. needed a website and brand identity that would attract and educate new visitors with a beautiful and educational blog piece as well as make his books available for purchase, beyond their Amazon listings.

His new website is easy to navigate for his users and easy for him to log into and blog regularly.

In addition to his business identity and website, we designed B.D some simple leave-behind cards for speaking engagements and book signing events.

all arrow-circle arrow-left arrow-right arrow calendar close-button down-arrow-chevron facebook-round facebook-round facebook googleplus-round green-arrow-down green-arrow-left hand-circle instagram-round letter linkedin-round linkedin m-icon map-icon muse-symbol phone pinterest-round sms-round twitter-round instagram twitter