Your Brand Identity

Like it or not, we all judge a book by its cover.

What is a Brand Identity?

The emotional impact that you make on your customers – strategically directed by brand assets. Brand assets are...


March 5, 2018

What Is A Social Media Manager?

Short Answer: An individual who knows the ins-and-outs of specific social media channels while monitoring, measuring, educating, and following all brand guidelines.

Just, creating and scheduling posts doesn’t mean you’re a social media manager.

When you...


January 19, 2018

What Is SEO?

Simple answer: short for search engine optimization.

Long answer

Search engines are trying to do one thing, provide relevant results to their users. This means that users will return to the search engine with more...


October 7, 2017

Without Branding, Your Business Will Fail

There are no dynasties without branding.

Long gone are the days of the three channel television, unofficial estimates say there are at least 15,000 global television channels. Consumers can cherry pick their entertainment. This...


July 5, 2017

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