Rachel Jayne and Datta Groover are coaches and speakers who help their clients increase their magnetic presence, awaken their impact, build a career they love, while never forgetting what matters most. Groover seminars have developed the Art of Feminine Presence and the Awaken Your Impact programs to help foster greatness in their clients.

Since a friend of ours recommended Tenth Muse Design, I wanted to meet with Kelly to view the quality of services they offer. Impressed from the start, we decided to have them work on a few small projects for us and am happy to say it has grown into quite a few over the past 2 ½ years. From full branding, right down to the minute details of supporting our team at the home office, while we’re out coaching and speaking at our seminars, we’ve been loyal customers. Their commitment to our success is apparent in all that they do.

From the full design of our new website to our logos to the collateral of brochures, flyers, program handouts and event information, their portfolio of services is endless. For our seminars, they’ve created awesome stage backdrops, promotional screens, PowerPoint templates and branded apparel. They are super creative, unique, elegant, high-end and they ‘Get the Branding’ of the person, the most important facet of our appearance! They are best at bringing that out visually which is why I will continue to employ their services and refer other coaches, consultants, and speakers to them.

Tenth Muse assisted Rachel Jayne and Datta with branding, logo, website design, brochures, event graphics, presentation slide deck, branded apparel, order forms, and folders.

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