A brand is far more than a logo, it’s the foundation of your identity which is reflected in every exchange you have with your customer. Tenth Muse™ helps you find that identity, create the imagery and tone that represents it, and project it through all digital and traditional advertising channels to create a consistent and reputable appearance to your customers.
We have all heard: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, but we do it every day. It’s our instinct and survival to naturally select the best. Having a cohesive, polished brand design gives your customer the confidence to trust you with their business. Invest in your company today!


  • Branding and Logo Design
  • Brand Implementation
  • Business Collateral
  • Print Management
  • Advertising Design
  • Campaign Management
  • Tradeshow, Signage & Displays
  • Catalogs, Manuals and Books
  • Copywriting
  • Vehicle Wraps
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Apparel & Promotional Items
  • Packaging Design
  • Flyers and Forms
  • Direct Mailers
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